In a bid to reach out to all Liberians, the Constitution Review Committee has begun extending its civic education and awareness campaigns to the citizens of other counties.


The CRC Outreach Team led by Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott met with citizens of Klay District,  Bomi County,  Madina, Sinje, and Robertsport in Grand Cape Mount County and expressed the Committee’s appreciation to meet with them. She said they were able to assemble themselves and meet with the CRC due to the love they have for their nation and importance which they attached to the constitution review process.


In separate meetings, Cllr. Gloria Musu-Scott Scott and Rev. Dr. Jasper S. Ndaborlor drilled their thrilled audiences through the constitution and distributed copies of the 1986 Constitution to them free of charge while at the same time presented to them Suggestion Boxes through which their views would reach the CRC.


During the interactive sessions, concerns were discussed on the need for land reform, management and equitable distribution of revenue generated from natural and mineral resources, property ownership and deprivation or exclusion of property owners from benefiting from minerals found under the confines of their properties. Other issues of major interest to them such as fundamental rights problems, excessive presidential powers, election of chiefs, decentralization of powers, rights of persons with disabilities and citizenship were placed on the floor and debated, among others.


In Robertsport, a spectacular show of interest was demonstrated by the youths of the city who went ahead of the adult population to engage the CRC to visit Robertsport. Students who voluntarily wore their school uniforms on Saturday were seen trooping to the City Hall, took their seats and in rapid succession placed their suggestions in the CRC Suggestion Box while the program was ongoing. The action of the youths and their participation in the interactive sessions were remarkable and demonstrated their delight to participate in the review process for the first time.


Following the students, adults and women of Robertsport also wrote their suggestions and placed them within the box.


The meeting was attended by cross-section of personalities to include the Lord Major James G. Kiazolu, line ministries officials of Cape Mount County, UNMIL and others. The program was organized by the Union of Commonwealth University Student Movement of Cape Mount County.


On the 30th of August 2013, the CRC Chairperson, Cllr. Gloria Musu-Scott also led an outreach campaign to “Smell No Taste”, Cotton Tree and Owen grove. According to the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Civic Education and the Media, Rev. Dr. Jasper S. Ndaborlor, these out of Montserrado outreaches are pre-civic education activities that would take place all over Liberia.