Guiding Principles for Constitutional Review

The principles that will guide the constitution review process are:


  • Inclusiveness: All Liberians, as individuals, communities, and interest groups, will have an opportunity to participate in the constitutional review and express their views.
  • Accessibility and public participation: The CRC will go to the people, first through education, and secondly, consultations, so that the review process is nationally owned.
  • Respect for divergent views: All Liberians are entitled to their opinions, and all views will be accorded equal respect and dignity.
  • Transparency: the constitutional review process will be opened so that the people will know what is happening and are informed at each stage of the process.
  • Accountability: the CRC will be accountable to its mandate and the Liberian people.
  • Good governance: the CRC will conduct its operations with utmost professionalism and integrity.
  • Building consensus: the CRC will endeavor to promote consensus on all issues.
  • National ownership: the people must own this process so that they can own their constitution and see it as a mirror through which they see themselves.